About the Journal

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Linguistica  makes part of a set of scientific journals of the University of Lodz. The first volume thereof was published in 1981. Editing of Folia Linguistica was assumed from the very beginning by the staff of two departments of the Polish language studies: the Chair of Polish Language History and the Chair of Contemporary Polish Language. For many years the editor-in-chief of the journal was professor Marek Cybulski.
The journal is an annual.

Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 70 (July 2023)


Focus and Scope of the Journal

The aim of the journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Linguistica is to disseminate linguistic theories and the results of linguistic empirical research in Poland and around the world with particular emphasis on research into the old and modern Polish language.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Linguistica is an academic annual, open to various linguistic theories and points of view, in which original articles are published in Polish or in English from all areas of linguistic: general and specific, internal and external, theoretical and applied, contemporary and historical.

A particularly important place in our journal is occupied by publications devoted to Polish and Slavic linguistics. Apart from thematic articles (information about the proposed topic of a given issue is available on the journal's website) we also publish linguistic reviews of Polish-language scientific papers and articles in the Varia section.

Articles published in our journal concern in particular: the Polish language system and Slavic languages, linguistic semantics, linguistic pragmatics, stylistics as well as the linguistics of text and discourse. We are open to new trends in linguistics in relation to both the old and modern Polish and other languages, especially Slavic languages. While creating each issue of the journal, we try to maintain the principle of balance between theoretical considerations and analyzes, interpretations and evaluations of the presented problems of old and contemporary language.

We would like to cooperate with Polish, Slavic philologists and contemporary languages philologists from both Polish and foreign universities.

Amount of research and review articles which were published last year: 12

Publisher: Lodz University Press

Reviewing procedure:

  1. An editorial team pre-selects received texts according to the criteria of their compliance with the required topic and profile of the journal, and evaluates whether they fulfil the fundamental criteria of scientific integrity and care about the facts.
  2. Each pre-selected text undergoes, at the following stage, assessment by at least two independent reviewers from outside of the author’s scientific unit.
  3. Review process is double-blind, which means that the author doesn’t know the reviewer’s name and the reviewer doesn’t know the author’s name.
  4. Each review must be made in a special written form, where, apart from the assessment’s summary, a descriptive assessment can be presented.
  5. Each review must include one of the following unambiguous conclusions:
    1. The article can be printed as it is;
    2. The article can be printed once adjustments suggested by the reviewer are made;
    3. The article can be printed provided that adjustments suggested by the reviewer are made and that the text is re-evaluated;
    4. The article cannot be printed.
  6. Instead of disclosing the names of the reviewers of specific texts, we publish exclusively a collective list of reviewers for a given annual.
  7. A text which receives two positive reviews is eligible for printing if the recommendations included in those reviews are followed. The editorial team is entitled to enclose to the reviewers’ notes their own comments, proposed adjustments or additions.
  8. If the reviews contradict each other, and in other justified cases, the editorial team can designate another reviewer or start a discussion about the text and vote on whether to approve or reject it.
  9. Editors may ask the author for consultation at various stages of the publishing process; before the final publication of the volume, the article will be submitted for author’s proofreading.

Open Access Policy

The basic license for publishing articles in the journal is CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution – Non-Commercial Use – No Derivatives). At the author's request it is possible to publish it under the CC-BY (Attribution) license.

The journal has been available in Open Access since 2014 (see: archival issues in the University of Lodz Repository). First issue published in OJS in 2017 (see: Archives).

The Author grants the University of Lodz the non-exclusive proprietary copyrights license for the work in all fields of exploitation listed in Art. 50 of the Act of February 4, 1994 about copyright and related rights, also by an open access (including the rules of the Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND). The license also includes the right for further sublicensing in the aforementioned fields of exploitation. See: Copyright Notice

Due to the implementation of the policy of open access to science works, the University of Lodz uses the Author’s right to deposit the work in the Repository of the University of Lodz and other distribution platforms, and the Author notes not to terminate the license agreement throughout its duration. See: Author Declaration Form

Personal copyrights are not transferable. Granting the license does not take away the property rights from the author.

License allows to copy and distribute the work in any medium provided an appropriate credit is given – you must provide the name of the creator and attribution parties, a copyright notice, a license notice, a disclaimer notice, and the link to the material, a link to the license, and you must indicate the changes made.

You are allowed to disseminate, present, and search for works only for non-commercial purposes and as long as you go for exploitation. You should not improve the modified content, which has been processed or created from the original new work (derivative work).

Full text of the license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode

Privacy policy

The names and e-mail addresses will be used by the journal only for the purposes of accomplishment of its goals and will not be disclosed to anybody else for any other purposes.