On the Motivating Relation of Lexical-Semantic Derivatives (One Slavonic Root as an Example). * Chol- and its Derivatives
the root semantics, etymology, dialects, linguistic awareness, paradigmatic-conceptual potential, development of meaningsAbstract
This article discusses the primarily Russian root хол(о)- based on the etymological, historical, and dialectal material as well as contemporary literary common language. The material is partly contrasted with some Slavonic languages in terms of features and differences. Common and individual features are highlighted within the meanings of such words as холостой, холоп, холуй and others. This is taken as a starting point for revealing further possible branches in the development of the original meanings. The author focuses on the specificity of the suffixes that are not currently isolated, -ст-, -п-, -уй, and similar. The author also shows the influence of these suffixes on the root semantics in the process of shaping lexems. The analysis demonstrates that it is possible to identify a paradigmatic-conceptual scheme and potential which underlie the development model of the word range in question and the semantics of their root. At the end, the scheme is shown in an illustrative and typological perspective next to the semantic features of the холостой lexem. The conclusions address the Russian linguistic domain covering the usage in the dialects and in the common language.
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