New Dimensions of Glottodidactics: the Problems of Teaching Stylistic and Specialized Variants of Polish and other Languages and Education of Children and Adoloscents
didactics, specialist variants, research, style, genres, teaching Polish as a foreign and second languageAbstract
The article presents the main theses and concepts of the texts published in the 24th volume of the journal “Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców (“Studies in the Teaching of Polish to Foreigners”) entitled Stylistic and Specialized Variants of Language, Education of Children and Adolescents. The authors of the discussed texts focus on issues such as teaching functional styles of Polish, business and professional education, the place of colloquial Polish in teaching Polish as a foreign language, the specific character of teaching the Polish language to children and young people, methods and practices used in foreign language lessons, usefulness of textbooks and teaching materials, curricula, the relationship between educational system and migration process.