Goals and directions for the development of Polish glottodidactics – a considerations for the end of 2023
Polish glottodidactic, goals and directions of teaching and learning, development of teaching Polish as a foreign/second languageAbstract
The aim of this article is to examine the developmental trajectory that Polish glottodidactics has undergone since its inception as a sub-discipline within foreign language teaching. Cultural and geopolitical shifts, as well as the evolving research paradigms in linguistics, psychology, and pedagogy, have given rise to new and intriguing research areas that glottodidacticians have started to explore. Particular attention has been paid to the last three years of scientific development, during which events such as the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine have initiated the formation of new goals and priorities among both educators and learners.
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- 2024-02-16 (2)
- 2023-12-07 (1)
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