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“Speed dating” and other techniques for improving fluency in speaking polish (exemplified by “Rozmówki polsko-polskie”)




Polish glottodidactics, speed dating, speaking, activating methods


This article explores various techniques for improving spontaneous speaking in Polish, with a particular emphasis on the “speed dating” technique. The local glottodidactic event “Rozmówki polsko-polskie”, organized for both Poles and foreigners residing in Białystok, serves as an illustrative example. The primary objective of the article is to introduce the event’s concept, with a detailed focus on highlighting the benefits of employing the “speed dating” technique in glottodidactic activities. The research methodology involved conducting interviews with participants of the event, including both foreigners and Polish individuals. Furthermore, the article presents examples of discussion methods aimed at improving speaking competence, with special consideration given to the “speed dating” technique. Additionally, a characterization of the local glottodidactic event is provided. Examples of games and coaching tools used to encourage participants to speak spontaneously on various topics during the events are also included. The article concludes by emphasizing the value of the event in developing communication, lexical, and intercultural competences among participants in the meetings, encompassing both Poles and foreigners.


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How to Cite

Kownacka, P. (2024). “Speed dating” and other techniques for improving fluency in speaking polish (exemplified by “Rozmówki polsko-polskie”). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 31, 243–262.