Demographic changes as a challenge for local policy. Example of Rokietnica in the Poznań agglomeration
Poznań agglomeration, suburbanisation, suburban zone, migrations, demographic changes, local policyAbstract
The Poznań agglomeration is one of the most interesting case studies of the development of suburban areas in Poland. As a result of intensive migrations to the Poznań suburban zone (growth of 35,9% of inhabitants in years 2002-2015), communes are obliged to face the needs of growing population which age structure is dominated mostly by young people. The processes of socio-demographic and spatial changes affect on the need for forward-looking analysis of the challenges and needs of the transformed population in the areas of urban planning, services, infrastructure and intercommunal cooperation. The purpose of this article was to identify the challenges associated with the suburbanization at Rokietnica – one of the fastest growing communes in the Poznań agglomeration, where local authorities take various steps to face the negative effects of the Poznań suburban zone dynamic development.
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