Demographic changes in selected industrial and post-industrial areas in Wroclaw in the XXI century




industrial and post-industrial areas, demographic changes, morphological and physiognomic changes, functional changes, Wrocław


The paper presents the demographic changes taking place in selected industrial and post-industrial areas of a large city, such as Wrocław, in the 21st century. In addition, the article indicates the accompanying morphological, physiognomic and functional changes in these industrial and post-industrial areas. The research was based on the analysis of data from the PESEL database, archival and cartographic inquiries, as well as field research. In the 21st century, the studied areas have undergone significant transformations which were largely determined by the deglomeration of industrial activity from city centers and the desire to intensify the use of space attractively located within the fabric of a large city. The main forces modifying the studied space were companies conducting development and service activities.


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How to Cite

Sikorski, D. (2022). Demographic changes in selected industrial and post-industrial areas in Wroclaw in the XXI century. Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 35(7), 39–46.


