Virtual local communities in Kraków and their potential impact on the inhabitants’ quality of life




cyberspace, standard of living, local community, observation, quality of life, virtual community, virtual space


The study discusses the importance of virtual local communities in the context of their potential impact on the quality of life of residents in local government districts in Kraków. For this purpose, virtual local communities operating on Facebook (commercial and non-commercial websites and groups) were identified. These communities were subjected to non-participatory and participatory observation, and the results served to indicate the activities undertaken by these communities, which may directly or indirectly affect the changes taking place both socially and spatially in the districts. Most types of communities have a general aim of integrating residents through a variety of interests and activities, e.g. information on the most important projects and problems in the district, and related to ‘local patriotism’. Activities targeted at certain groups within communities were also identified e.g. parents, sports activities and small local entrepreneurs. A special role in the integration of neighborhood communities, in line with the current trend of the sharing economy, is played by groups such as ‘zamienię, oddam’ (I exchange, I give).


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How to Cite

Płaziak, M. (2021). Virtual local communities in Kraków and their potential impact on the inhabitants’ quality of life. Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 34(6), 51–61.


