Modernist metropolitan neighborhoods in comparison with other forms of housing: Selected examples




social circle, urban sociology, socialist modernism, housing


The article is an attempt to look at post-socialist tower blocks and modernist housing from a contemporary perspective. It takes the context of post-communist Europe as the basis for analysis, citing Sofia as an example. On the basis of the literature and references to the messages of mass culture, it shows the specificity of a metropolitan neighborhood, and leads the reader to a proposal for a conceptualization of ‘neighborhood’ using the notion of a neighborhood circle. The empirical part presents the results of a questionnaire carried out by means of a nationwide online survey and by means of interviews carried out in three Polish locations: Poznań, Warsaw and Wronki. The collected empirical data are described from the point of view of selected themes related to the concept of ‘neighborhood circles’, and analyzed statistically. The recommendations indicate the need to ask further detailed questions and invite discussion, and not only among urban sociologists, on the condition of modernist mass housing from the point of view of building neighborly relations.


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How to Cite

Nowak, M., & Siatkowski, A. (2021). Modernist metropolitan neighborhoods in comparison with other forms of housing: Selected examples. Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 34(6), 27–40.


