Thirty years of the evolution of the Polish approach to urban revitalisation




revitalization, city, evolution, Polish model, Moldova


The aim of the article is to present the evolution of the revitalization system in Poland, from the shaping of its outlines, through attempts at systemic regulation along with parallel practical experience from cities and the first scientific assessments, to the current form, in which practice makes extensive use of scientific and expert studies and regulations create a clear framework for revitalization. The article uses descriptive methods, in particular the technique of historical analysis. The matrix, proposed by the author in 2009 in her doctoral dissertation, was also used as a tool for analyzing the structure of the revitalization model. This is a matrix showing the main elements of revitalization policy in a mature model in comparison with the relationships between stakeholders who should be involved in revitalization due to its complex and long-term nature. Using this matrix, an analysis of the Polish revitalization model was carried out at two key stages of its development – at the threshold of the creation of a nationwide revitalization system and five years after its implementation. For this purpose, materials from the evaluation study coled by the author, were entitled ”Study of the management and implementation of revitalization in Poland”.


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How to Cite

Jadach-Sepioło, A. (2021). Thirty years of the evolution of the Polish approach to urban revitalisation. Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 34(6), 7–16.


