Mobilization of the 25th Infantry Division in August 1939
25th Infantry Division, mobilization of the Polish Army, Kalisz garrison, mobilization plan “W”, rules for mobilizing infantry divisions, “Poznan” Army, war in September 1939Abstract
The article describes the mobilization of the 25th Infantry Division in August 1939. This division was stationed in the District of Corps No. VII Poznan in three garrisons: Kalisz, Krotoszyn and Ostrów Wielkopolski. The process of mobilization an infantry division was difficult and complex, because it had to be completed in just three days. At that time, it was also necessary to form new troops that did not exist in peacetime. In addition to personnel mobilization, material mobilization was also important, including weapons provided for the time of the war and all the necessary equipment. All units of the 25th Infantry Division were mobilized covertly during the so-called emergency mobilization. The basis was the mobilization plan “W” and the mobilization tables of the aforementioned division. During the mobilization process, there were also many changes in the staffing of the division’s command and in its subordinate regiments (29th, 56th and 60th Infantry Regiment and the 25th Light Artillery Regiment). Despite many difficulties, the mobilization of the troops of the 25th Infantry Division took place efficiently and on time. After the mobilization, the division took up the defensive positions in the Kalisz region. After the outbreak of the war, it fought in the composition of the “Poznan” Army.
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