Natural resources and local development: case study of two stork villages in Poland
ecotourism, birdwatching, avitourism, environmental valuation, sustainable developmentAbstract
Ecotourism illustrates how natural resources could be used as a basis for sustainable development, respecting the environment, and at the same time raising environmental awareness among the participating people. Also, ecotourism is expected to provide material benefits for local communities. However, for natural resources to become a highlight of ecotourism, it is necessary to ensure an appropriate "setting", which takes into account both the interests of environmental protection and the needs of tourists. To illustrate these issues, this paper features a detailed analysis of ecotourism potential of two stork villages in Poland managed by nature conservation organizations (Klopot and Zywkowo). It seems possible to increase their attractiveness for tourists, while maintaining their fundamental objectives of nature conservation. To identify the most important activities that would make the above use of stork villages possible, surveys were conducted among tourists visiting these places. The answers provided by 700 people helped to assess how stork villages have been used so far, and how they could contribute to a larger extent to local economic development.Downloads
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