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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Author declares that the Work is an original creation and that they have the appropriate copyrights to the Work, including moral as well as economic rights. If the applicant is not the sole author, he/she undertakes to indicate the percentage share of all co-authors in the preparation of the text. This information should be entered in the field "Rights - percentage share of authors".
  • The Author hereby declares that they did not use generative artificial intelligence tools during the preparation of the manuscript.  If otherwise, the author undertakes to indicate the name of the tool, the purpose and the exact reason for use and confirms that he/she has carried out a thorough, critical verification of the text, especially in terms of the possibility of generating false, incomplete or biased information, the occurrence of plagiarism or lack of/incorrect attribution of authorship, and edited it accordingly. The information should be entered in the "Comments for the Editor" field.
  • The author assures of no violations of publication ethics and takes full responsibility for the content of the publication. The Author acknowledges and accepts that, in the event of the Author making a false statement, they shall be liable for any damages incurred by the University of Lodz. 
  • The author undertakes to inform about any possible conflicts of interest in the "Comments for the Editor" field.
  • Sending a submission to Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, constitutes the acceptance of the following documents:
    - Privacy Statement
    - Publication Ethics
    - Copyright Notice
  • The manuscript adheres to all the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines presented in the section below.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has been submitted to another journal for consideration.
  • The submitted manuscript ensures the integrity of the blind peer-reviews process
  • The submission fee is 330 PLN +VAT (23%) and should be paid after the paper's registration, immediately upon receipt of the invoice. When registering an article, details that allow issuing the invoice should be provided.

Author Guidelines

Submitting the manuscript is possible only for users with Author's role. You can modify your journal roles by editing your profile (button in the upper right corner of the page).

1. Submission consists of two elements: metadata and submission's manuscript. Metadata consists of:

  1. information about authors (including the affiliation in the form of the full name of the department, faculty and university or full name of a non-academic institution);
  2. submission's title;
  3. abstract containing background of research, aims, methodology and conclusions;
  4. JEL classification codes which should be sorted out starting with the one that best reflects the content of the manuscript;
  5. keywords;
  6. supporting persons and agencies;
  7. references (attention: references should be also added at the end of the manuscript).

Metadata should be entered directly into the OJS system - in English and in Polish in the separate fields intended for the given language (Authors who do not know Polish fill in only the fields intended for English).

2. Basic requirements of submission's manuscript:

  1. RTF, DOC or DOCX file format;
  2. the manuscript must be prepared for the blind review. It means that all elements that can identify the Author should be removed from submission's files (from document's properties too) - see how to do it;
  3. submission's title, abstract, keywords and JEL codes should be also included at the beginning of the manuscript in both languages: Polish and English. First goes the language in which the submission’s text was prepared (Authors who do not know Polish include these items only in English).

3. Text's format:

  1. Times New Roman CE typeface;
  2. main text - size 12 pt., paragraph indent 0,7 cm, line spacing 1,5 pt., all margins 2,5 cm, justified;
  3. intertitles - numbered (Arabic numerals, dot after numbers, like 1., 1.1.), centred, bolded;
  4. footnotes' numbering in superscript;
  5. quotes in quotation marks;
  6. mathematical formulas numbered, editable; variables as italics; explanations directly under the formulas; references to a particular formula in the form of formula's number in parentheses;
  7. footnotes - justified, size 10 pt., paragraph indent 0,7 cm, single line spacing;
  8. references - size 10 pt., first lines of each references position without paragraph indent, second and following - indent 0,7 cm.
  9. quotes' localizations and citations in parentheses - author's surname, release year and page numbers after a colon, e.g. (Hosmer, Lemeshow 1999: 123-124); this concerns also internet citations as well as sources for tables and graphs.
  10. continuous page numbering.

4. References prepared in the Harvard system:

  1. monographs - surnames and names' initials, publication year in parentheses, italic title, place of publication, e.g. Welfe A. (1998), Ekonometria, PWE, Warszawa.
  2. journals - surnames and names' initials, publication year in parentheses, italic article's title, name of journal in quotation marks (" "), volume, number and pages, which include article, DOI Id (as far as possible, see: e.g. Kalleberg A. L. (2001), Organizing flexibility. The flexible firm in a new century, "British Journal of Industrial Relations", vol. 1, no. 39, p. 43-49,
  3. double names' initials separated with space.

5. Graphical objects (pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams etc.):

  1. housed in page size;
  2. marked with a proper number, title and reference to the source;
  3. tables - centred titles, above the table, without distinctions (e.g. bolds, italics, double spaces); sources under the table, first line with paragraph indent 0,7 cm; titles and text in tables: Times New Roman CE - size 10 pt, column and row titles in descriptive form (avoid symbols when possible), uniform accuracy of numbers within a column, with decimal separator in one position;
  4. pictures, graphs, diagrams - centred titles, under the objects, without distinctions (e.g. bolds, italics, double spaces), source after the title (size 10 pt.) with first line indent 0,7 cm after title, axis descriptions and indication of measurement units (where appropriate);
  5. placed in text or delivered in form of separated file (supplementary files in OJS system);
  6. editable by MS Word and MS Excel tools (scanned objects are not acceptable); if they are not editable (has been generated by specialized software), they must be saved as TIF, BMP or JPG file (with a resolution not less than 300dpi) and load to the OJS system as supplementary files.

Data papers

Reviewed data papers previously deposited in a trusted and accredited repository selected by the author (general, institutional or thematic). The data set should be provided with a DOI and made available under a CC license (in accordance with the requirements of the grantor - in the case of works financed e.g. by the NCN).