Protection of rusticity in the rural countryside of Pomerania. The case study of Swołowo
Village, rusticity, cultural heritage, PomeraniaAbstract
In this article, on the example of the village Swołowo, issues dedicated to protection of rusticity in the rural countryside of Pomerania were presented. Swołowo is one of the most interesting historical village in Pomerania, considered as the European Cultural Heritage Village. Buildings of Swołowo is a model example of Pomeranian oval shape villages, whose foundation took place in the early Middle Ages. Swołowo symbolically called the capital of the Checked House Region. The Checked House Region is the area of Pomerania where the dominant element of the rural landscape is preserved eighteenth and nineteenth century frame construction. The village is a specific model pattern. There were various actions taken that caused promoting the Checked House Region. A chance for the revival of the village Swołowo was cultural tourism in connection with the activities of the Middle Pomerania Museum in Słupsk. The aim of the study was to present specific measures for the protection of the material cultural heritage of the village Swołowo, which currently affects a significant impact on its development. Cultural values Swołowo allow him to function as a center of regional and national tourism and predispose the village for the function of international importance center.
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