Transportation and settlement potential of small towns in the region of Łódź
transport accessibility, small towns, Łódź regionAbstract
Transport accessibility is one of the most important research topics in geography of transport. Accessibility analysis allows not only for the creation of diagnoses relating to the movement of people and goods, but primarily contributes to the conduct of appropriate transport policy, which reflects an important dimension of the application of this kind of research. In the case of the Łódź region transport availability is of particular importance given its position in the existing (and created by the European Union) Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The paper presents the concept of accessibility and its grounding in European Union policy, and as a method to analyze the phenomenon of the potential approach has been adopted. Defining the attractiveness of towns and identifying efficient road and rail connections made it possible to examine the transport and settlement potential of the Łódź region, with a particular focus on small towns.
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