Changes to the centroid of Łódź province towns in the light of transport potential




Transport accessibility, Łódź Province, road infrastructure, individual transport, standard deviation ellipse


This article presents changes to the location of the centroid of Łódź province towns resulting from their intraregional time accessibility as well as from transformations in the potential accessibility connected with the dynamic development of road infrastructure. The research was extended through using descriptive methods of spatial statistics as well as spatial data exploratory analysis with focus on dispersion statistics in the form of standard deviation ellipse. Features of ellipses elaborated for individual moments in the development of intraregional infrastructure connections allow to define transformations of transport potential of the province’s towns from the spatial perspective.


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How to Cite

Wiśniewski, S. (2016). Changes to the centroid of Łódź province towns in the light of transport potential. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (24), 61–71.