The Polish exports of fruits and vegetables. The case of fruits and vegetables producer organisations and groups (the primary market) from Lower Silesian voivodeship


  • Dominika Malchar-Michalska Wydział Ekonomiczny, Uniwersytet Opolski image/svg+xml



exports of fruits and vegetables, fruits and vegetables producer organisations and groups, horizontal integration among farmers


The main goal of the paper was to evaluate changes in Polish fruit and vegetable exports between 2004–2012 and to identify the main export destinations of representatives of 107 the primary market of fruits and vegetables from the Lower Silesian voivodeship. For the purpose of the research, data from the International Trade Centre (ITC) was used. The author also used the method of a case study – fruit and vegetable producer organisations and groups from the Lower Silesian voivodeship were the focus of the research. The analysis allowed the steady growth of fruit and vegetable exports between 2004- 2012 to be identified from Poland as a whole, with the main importing markets being Germany and Russia. The same directions were characteristic among subjects from the Lower Silesian voivodeship.


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How to Cite

Malchar-Michalska, D. (2014). The Polish exports of fruits and vegetables. The case of fruits and vegetables producer organisations and groups (the primary market) from Lower Silesian voivodeship. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (6), 91–107.


