About the Journal

Aims and thematic scope

Eastern Review is a scholarly journal edited by the International Centre for Eastern European Research of the University of Lodz in cooperation with the Committee for the Study of Integration of Europe of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz. It is a direct continuation of the journal by the same name published between 1997 and 2001, whose founder and long-standing editor-in-chief was Prof. Jerzy Kmieciński PhD. Published in the 1990s the journal sprang to life as part of works by the International Centre for East European Research, University of Lodz.

The International Centre for Eastern European Research, the University of Lodz sets similar goals as the Centre for Eastern Research of the University of Lodz, namely integrating scholars of different faculties of the University of Lodz around research into Eastern European issues.

The main aim of the journal is not only to integrate research efforts of scholars from the University of Lodz who deal with Eastern European issues in their works but also to popularize results of their works. The Lodz centre used to be one of the few which lacked both a scientific and research institution and a scholarly journal specializing in the research into Eastern European issues.

The Polish public opinion, academic and student circles, politicians and local government members continue to take a keen interest in political and legal, social and economic as well as linguistic and cultural transformations taking place in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine notwithstanding Poland’s accession to the European Union. The aforementioned transformations are characterized by considerable dynamics and affect activities of Polish state and local institutions, business structures and non-governmental organizations.

The issues raised in the journal concern countries of the Eastern Europe region perceived in geopolitical as well as social and cultural categories rather than strictly geographical ones. Consequently, the periodical’s research field includes Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine as well as other countries of the post-Soviet area.

The journal deals with political and legal, social and economic as well as linguistic and cultural issues. It publishes politological, jurisprudence, sociological, economic, cultural and linguistic studies. At the same time each issue of the journal is thematic as it was in the case of Eastern Review published at the turn of the last century.

Readers have the opportunity to gain access to unique and top quality information, data, opinions and commentaries of authors from the countries of the region in question due to the international character of the journal to which contributions are made by the Belarussian State University in Minsk (Belarus), Khmelnytskyi National University (Ukraine), Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine), Lomonosov State University of Moscow (Russia), Tula State University (Russia), University of Economics in Prague (the Czech Republic), Linnaeus University in Växjö (Sweden), The Giessen Centre for Eastern European Studies (Germany), Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (Germany).

Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 70 (July 2023)