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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author declares that the Work is an original work and that he is entitled to copyrights, both personal and property.
  • The Author declares that the Work does not contain defamatory content or violates the personal rights of other people and that he is not aware of any circumstances that could expose the University to liability towards third parties for the publication or dissemination of the Work.
  • The author acknowledges that in the event of making false statements, he will be liable for damages incurred by the University of Lodz.
  • The Author grants the University of Lodz, represented by the UŁ Publishing House, a non-exclusive license to use the proprietary copyrights to the Work in all the fields of use listed in Art. 50 of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights, as well as in open access, including under the terms of the Creative Commons license. The license also includes the right to grant further licenses in the indicated fields of use.
  • The license is unlimited in terms of territory and is granted for a period of 70 (seventy) years.
  • In connection with the implementation of the policy of open access to scientific publications, the University of Lodz uses the Author's authorization to deposit the Work in the Repository of the University of Lodz and other distribution platforms, and the Author undertakes not to terminate the license agreement throughout its duration.
  • The Author is not entitled to remuneration for the creation of the Work, its delivery to the Publishing House and for granting the license of rights. The parties agree that the Author will receive the author's copy in the form of a PDF file for printing, containing only that part of the Work for which the Author is entitled to personal copyrights.

Author Guidelines

Please send us papers of the length of up to 20 000 characters in .doc or .rtf format. The text should be accompanied by a summary in Polish (800-1000 characters with spaces) and a bibliographical note prepared in accordance with the model. Please make sure to give us your contact details, including the correspondence address.


Principles for text preparation

  1. Font size and type: 12 pt. / Times New Roman.
  2. Main text line spacing: 1,5.
  3. Quotations: indentation on both sides, font size 11 pt., distance to the main text (before and after it) – 1,5 line spacing.
  4. Annotations: font size 11 pt., 1 line spacing.
  5. Page numbering: in right bottom corner.
  6. Principles for making annotations:
    1. Terminology in Polish: Tenże, Taż, Tamże. [idem/id., ibid p.]
    2. Abbreviations in Polish: Zob., Por., Oprac., Red., Przeł., Tłum. [, ed., transl.]
    3. Punctuation: “the comma system”.
      – Example of non-serial publication description
      S. Brzozowski, Legenda Młodej Polski, Kraków–Wrocław 1983.
      – Example of text description in a non-serial publication:
      Cz. Miłosz, Teodor Bujnicki, [in:] ibid, Zaczynając od moich ulic, Paryż 1985, p. 153.
      – Example of text description a book written by many authors:
      Kulawik, Ars versificandi Teodora Bujnickiego, [in:] Poezja i poeci w Wilnie lat 1920–1940. Studia, ed. T. Bujnicki, K. Biedrzycki, Kraków 2003, p. 137.
      – Example of text description in a multi-volume publication edited by one person:
      K. Brodziński, O satyrze, [in:] ibid, Pisma estetyczno-krytyczne, ed. Z. J. Nowak, vol. 1. Wrocław 1964, p. 223.
      – Example of text description in a multi-volume publication in which each volume is edited by a different person:
      Promieniści czyli Przyjaciele Pożytecznej Zabawy, [in:] Materiały do historii Towarzystwa Filomatów, vol. 3, ed. S. Pietraszkiewiczówna, Kraków 1934, p. 184.
      – Example of text description in a serial publication:
      P. Winczer, Element zabawowy w poezji awangardowej. (Na przykładzie czeskiego poetyzmu), „Teksty” 1976, no. 1, pp. 13–34.
    1. Notation of annotations if the referenced title is separated by other sources (the example is in bold):
      Cz. Miłosz, Teodor Bujnicki, [in:] ibid, Zaczynając od moich ulic, Paris 1985, pp. 153–175. P. Winczer, Element zabawowy w poezji awangardowej, „Teksty” 1976, no. 1, p. 13. Cz. Miłosz, Teodor Bujnicki…, p. 88.
  1. Foreign words, unassimilated — in italics, without quotation marks.
  2. The order of quotation marks: “Lalalalala «quotation in a quotation»”. It is necessary to insert quotation marks using symbols rather than use the keyboard.
  3. The conjunctions at the end of the line are not moved to the following line.
  4. No hard spaces (ctrl+shift+space) or soft returns (shift+enter) should be used in the text.
  5. If there is a new surname in the text, it should be accompanied by the first name.
  6. Double spaces should be removed.
  7. Paragraph indentation (1 cm) is set in the Paragraph tab and not by means of tabs.
  8. Insert the ellipsis symbol (shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + . or from symbols) rather than three full stops from the keyboard.

Czytanie Literatury – the Author’s biographical note

  1. Name and surname of the Author.
  2. The name of the institution which the Author is (or was) affiliated with professionally (research or creative contribution).
  3. The Author’s main fields of scientific interest.
  4. The Author’s most important publications (title, year of publication).
  5. E-mail address (if the Author gives consent to the publication of this address together with the bibliographical note).