The Stereotype of Europe in the Eyes of Young Politicians – A Linguistic Analysis of Posts in Social Media of Selected Polish Youth Politics Organisations




stereotype, discourse, Europe, youth politics organisation, social media


The focus of the article is on stereotypical images of Europe that can be recognised in the statements of young politicians in the social media they engage in, such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Since stereotypes make it possible to name one and the same fact in different ways, they are also vehicles for the expressive power with which the producer of the post can influence his potential readers. As a result, certain attitudes, beliefs and value judgements can be formed in the recipient. The research interest focuses on the discursive behaviour of politically engaged young people in Poland in social media in order to uncover the stereotypical images of Europe/the European Union that they have formed. The aim of the study is, on the one hand, to identify the prevailing stereotypes in the analysed fragment of the discourse on Europe in order to shed light on the social knowledge of politically engaged youth in Poland on the politically important and widely discussed topic of Europe/European Union in recent years. Next, however, it will also be shown in which linguistic contexts of acting the revealed stereotypes are embedded. For this purpose, their linguistic realisation (lexis, grammatical structure, metaphor, etc.) was examined.

Author Biography

Karolina Waliszewska, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Dr., Studium der Germanistik, Promotion im Fach Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft. Derzeit wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Germanistischen Institut der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität Poznań. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Medien-, Text- und Pragmalinguistik. Forschungsaufenthalte in Rom, Kiel, Halle, Görlitz und Bielefeld. 2019-2021 Teilnahme am internationalen Projekt „Was hat Europa mit mir zu tun?“ ‒ Junge Erwachsene aus Deutschland und Polen blicken auf Europa.


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How to Cite

Waliszewska, K. (2023). The Stereotype of Europe in the Eyes of Young Politicians – A Linguistic Analysis of Posts in Social Media of Selected Polish Youth Politics Organisations. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 125–144.


