HERMANN LENZ and the Eugene Rapp novel series – an attempt to narrate the literary field of the Federal Republic of Germany?
HERMANN LENZ, literary-business novels, autofiction, paratext, narrative, literary fieldAbstract
Faced with the omnipresent economization and market regulation of the artistic field, Hegel had already discussed the death of art in the early 19th century in his Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik; yet the artist was hardly dead, and remains alive today. Paratexts and interviews show artists’ attempts at self-creation – in many contexts, including post-structural, post-subjective and post-factual. The goal is to attract attention through self-presentation in public and gathering symbolic capital – for the sake of the market, or the artist himself, alternatively to transform these processes into semi-fictional narratives.
The fact that reflection is always present in the literary sphere is analyzed in HERMANN LENZ’S novels revolving around the literary business. By confronting literary life, LENZ was able to reanimate the sense of autonomy and awareness of authorship.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00168890.2016.1133950
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