Recenzja książki: Gargiliusz, Lekarstwa z owoców i warzyw, przełożyła Tatiana Krynicka, ISKŚIO UWr, Wrocław 2016, (Seria Biblioteka Antyczna), ss. 172


  • Magdalena Stuligrosz Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


Słowa kluczowe:

Gargilius, medical treatise, plants, fruits


The first Polish translation of Gargilius Martialis’ treatise Medicinae de holeribus et pomis (Medicines from Fruits and Vegetables) was published in 2016 by Tatiana Krynicka. The translation is accompanied by a valuable commentary which provides the reader with rich information on botanical, medical and dietetic issues, and shows how the 3rd-century Roman author drawn on his literary sources and how he was referred to by late antique writers.

Biogram autora

Magdalena Stuligrosz - Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Is Associate Professor in the Institute of Classical Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Apart from articles on various subjects relating to Greek literature and translations, she has published two monographs, on maxims in Pindar’s poetry (2002), and on Philoxenus’ Banquet, considered in the context of Greek gastronomic poetry of the 4th century BC (2012). Her main fields of research are Pindar’s poetry, Homer’s and Pindar’s eschatology, gastronomic motifs in Greek epic, lyric and comedy, and the motif of the forest in Greek poetry.


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Jak cytować

Stuligrosz, M. (2018). Recenzja książki: Gargiliusz, Lekarstwa z owoców i warzyw, przełożyła Tatiana Krynicka, ISKŚIO UWr, Wrocław 2016, (Seria Biblioteka Antyczna), ss. 172. Collectanea Philologica, (21), 159–164.


