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Kuracja bólu głowy, epilepsji, chorób oczu i uszu według Skryboniusza Largusa (I w.) "Compositiones medicamentorum" – przekład



Słowa kluczowe:

Starożytny Rzym, medycyna rzymska, lekarze rzymscy, farmakologia, choroby


Compositiones Medicamentorum by Scribonius Largus, dating from the 1st century, is one of the most important sources of the history of medicine. The recipes contained therein were used in European medicine until the end of the 17th century. The aim of this article is to present [translated from Latin] the methods of treating headache, epilepsy and diseases of the eyes and ears according to this ancient Roman physician.

Biogram autora

Artur Katolo - Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale (emeritus)

Fr. Prof. Artur Katolo, PhD, ThD, MA (prof. dr hab.). Born on September 10, 1967. An Italian philologist, theologian, Roman Catholic priest, and translator of Italian, English, Latin, and Polish literature. Graduated with degrees in theology (Catholic University of Lublin and Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale in Milan), bioethics (Scuola di Medicina e Scienze Umane HSR in Milan), English philology (Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” in Rome), classical philology (Università degli Studi “Tor Vergata” in Rome), and Italian philology (Istituto Universitario ICOTEA in Ispica). In 1997–2002 – associate professor at the Seminario Vescovile – Scuola di Formazione Teologica in San Miniato (PI). From 2002–2022 – full professor (professore stabile) – Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale – ISSR in Rende (CS). From 2023 – professor emeritus – Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale – ISSR in Rende (CS). In 2010–2018, the Scientific Director of the “Dike kai nomos. Quaderni di cultura politico-giuridica” (Cosenza-Roma). In Poland: full professor at the Ateneum Szkoła Wyższa in Gdańsk (2008–2018), at the Higher School of Philology in Wrocław (2018–2020), and at the European University in Warsaw from 2020 until today. Translator at the JUT Publishing House in Lublin. 


Scribonii Largii Compositiones Medicamentorum (1983). S. Sconocchia (ed.). Leipzig: B.G. Teubner.
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Jak cytować

Katolo, A. (2024). Kuracja bólu głowy, epilepsji, chorób oczu i uszu według Skryboniusza Largusa (I w.) "Compositiones medicamentorum" – przekład. Collectanea Philologica, (27), 395–410.