Seksualność w służbie ateńskiego pokoju, czyli próba genderowej lektury "Lizystraty" Arystofanesa
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
sexuality, comedy, gender, AristophanesAbstrakt
The article is an attempt of commentary on the Aristophanes’ comedy in feminist/gender perspective. Images of women, stereotypes of both sexes and sexual identity in the old-Greek comedy are an object of analyses and interpretation. This article uses arguments of many commentators of Aristophanes’ theatre, for example Christopher A. Faraone, Lisa P. Vetter, Angus M. Bowie, Kenneth J. Dover or Jerzy Łanowski in order to illustrate how an individual can go beyond the limits of durable and common social or sexual games. I try to show that the works of the old-Greek writer are constantly opened for new strategies of interpretation and many-sided description of his comedies is in fact the matter of the humanities of future.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Kostek, S. (2011). Seksualność w służbie ateńskiego pokoju, czyli próba genderowej lektury "Lizystraty" Arystofanesa. Collectanea Philologica, 14, 64–78.

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