Italian origin of the Corpus Domini feast decoration traditions


  • Kamil Pozorski Doktorant na Wydziale Nauk o Wychowaniu UPS Rzym



floral culture, Spycimierz, Corpus Christi, Corpus Domini


This article aims to present the origins of the floral culture on the Italian Peninsula, which has persisted until today and continues to be a major cultural element in many Italian towns and villages. The custom of creating flower carpets for the feast of Corpus Christi goes back to the 18th century, although the first mentions of such decorations are from the period of baroque. It is very likely that elements of the floral culture have been transplanted to the lands of occupied Poland in the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Pozorski, K. (2019). Italian origin of the Corpus Domini feast decoration traditions. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 8, 67–75.


