Diagnosing local needs in urban revitalisation program. A case study of Uniejów municipality
revitalisation, revitalisation program, diagnosis of the conditionAbstract
Urban revitalisation is one of the key fields of local authorities’ activities under the 2014–2020 EU Funds. Revitalisation aims an improvement of local communities’ life quality and a creation of local resources through complex actions on socially and economically deprived areas. To ensure their effectiveness revitalisation programmes are required to be delivered in Poland in two ways. Namely, they may be created within a framework of national law, Ustawa o rewitalizacji, 9.10.2015, (Gminne Programy Rewitalizacji) or under the guidelines of 2014–2020 EU operational programmes (Local Revitalisation Programmes). Both solutions are of similar structure and the their creation starts from a detailed and multi-criteria diagnosis of municipalities.
The paper focuses on revitalisation programmes that are new and relevant tools of Polish municipalities. These programmes aims stimulation of revitalization processes and enable local authorities to apply for supplementary EU funds. Using the example of Uniejów in Poland authors deal with the issues of municipality diagnoses for revitalisation programmes. More precisely, they define the scope of the diagnosis and indicate data and information sources that are useful in the analyses.
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