The potential of mansions and palaces in Poddębice district for spa tourism development


  • Adriana Barbara Cieślak Politechnika Łódzka, Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki



mansion, palace, castle, cultural heritage, cultural tourism, spa, identity


The development of the spa function in Uniejów has initiated the activation of tourist functions throughout the region. An important role in spa tourism can play mounds, castles and palaces. These are characteristic objects that have sense and meaning. They often also have distinctive architectural features. Moreover, it is easy to adapt these buildings to new features. They are often adapted to hotels and spa resorts. These functions supporting spa tourism in the region. This article focuses on the assessment (quantitative and qualitative) of mansions, castles and palaces in the county. The analysis focuses on: placement of objects, evaluation of architectural values, technical condition and distortion. The study complements the identification of significant elements of the intangible heritage that can be perceived as important for the identity of the place (and / or region) and significant for the development of innovative tourism products. The results of the research allowed to assess the overall condition of the cultural resource, which are the mansions, castles and palaces of the region. The individual objects were assessed for their tourist attractiveness and classified in 4 groups: outstanding; significant; moderate and insignificant tourist potential. Finally, recommendations have been developed. They concern the management of objects. Recommendations include the need to preserve the cultural heritage and the economic development of the area.

Author Biography

Adriana Barbara Cieślak, Politechnika Łódzka, Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki

Wiceprezes łódzkiego oddziału TUP, członek PKN ICOMOS.


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How to Cite

Cieślak, A. B. (2017). The potential of mansions and palaces in Poddębice district for spa tourism development. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 6, 25–49.


