Spatial development of the village of Stary Gostków – evaluation and identification of problem areas




village, Stary Gostków, field inventory, spatial development, problem areas


The aim of this article is to identify problem areas in the spatial development of the village of Stary Gostków and to indicate the directions of changes, based on a field iventory conducted on 10.07.2022. The study discusses the determinants of the spatial development of the village in question, providing information on its geographical location, socio-economic characteristics, historical determinants, and relevant planning and strategic documents. The inventory made it possible to analyse the land use structure, the spatial structure of the built development, and the state of the technical infrustructure, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses. Problem areas have been classified into two types – A and B. Type A covers problems connected with buildings, such as roof covering (eternit) and heating (coal or wood). Type B mainly concerns the technical infrastructure, including the lack of the pavement and street lighting. The identification of the problems and indication of the directions of necessary changes are intended to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants.

Author Biography

Sebastian Olejnik, Uniwersytet Łódzki

mgr, absolwent Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego


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How to Cite

Olejnik, S. (2023). Spatial development of the village of Stary Gostków – evaluation and identification of problem areas. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 12, 31–62.


