Attractiveness of The Thermal Complex of Uniejów in the opinion of tourists and Uniejów residents


  • Anna Jaśkiewicz Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 90–142 Łódź, ul. Kopcińskiego 31



Uniejów, social surveys, thermal complex, Termy Uniejów


The article presents the attractiveness of Thermal Complex of Uniejów in the opinion of Uniejów residents and the tourists who visited „Termy Uniejów” at least once. The author conducted a questionnaire survey of representatives of both groups for this purpose. The selection of respondents was aimed at getting the possibly greatest diversity of representatives. The questionnaire survey was supplemented by observations of license plates of cars which were parked in front of the Thermal Complex of Uniejów. It showed the spatial range of tourists. The studies confirmed the author’s thesis that the object has improved the image of the commune and caused satisfaction among the local population and visiting tourists. The respondents also pointed out negative aspects of „Termy Uniejów”. The main problems for people who have visited the object were the high cost of tickets and very long queues, mainly in the summer. A detailed analysis of the research findings allowed identification of the main factors determining the opinion about the object: age, sex, professional status and place of residence.


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How to Cite

Jaśkiewicz, A. (2015). Attractiveness of The Thermal Complex of Uniejów in the opinion of tourists and Uniejów residents. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 4, 181–198.


