Formation of Voluntary Fire Brigades in the communes of Skotniki and Kościelnica in 1918


  • Karol Paterski mgr, absolwent Wydziału Historycznego Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, służy w Placówce Straży Granicznej w Kaliszu



voluntary fire brigade, commune of Skotniki, commune of Kościelnica


The article describes stages in the formation of voluntary fire brigades on the territory of former communes of Skotniki and Kościelnica in 1918. Examples of localities where such fire brigades were organized are Czepów, Wilamów, Orzeszków, Ostrowsko and Wielenin. The managing body of the joint Czepów-Wilamów unit was almost entirely composed of Czepów residents. When this fire brigade was divided into two units, the firemen from Wilamów joined the National Fire-Fighting System. As the centenary of the existence of these fire brigades is approaching, it is worthwhile to remind their organizational beginnings, which took place at the time of re-creating Polish statehood after a long period of partitions.


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How to Cite

Paterski, K. (2014). Formation of Voluntary Fire Brigades in the communes of Skotniki and Kościelnica in 1918. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 3, 179–183.


