Book of the Brotherhood of Sobriety from Uniejów parish, second half of XIX century


  • Zbigniew Gmurczyk dr teologii, kapłan diecezji włocławskiej, dyrektor Archiwum Diecezjalnego we Włocławku



Uniejów parish, The Book of the Brotherhood of Sobriety, Włocławek Diocese Archive


In the second half of XIX century societies of sobriety were being established on Polish lands as part of the so called organic work (work at the foundations). The Book of the Brotherhood of Sobriety from Uniejów parish, kept in Włocławek Diocese Archive, contains – besides laws and indulgences (referring to the decree of Pope Pius IX of 28.07.1851), an appendix and a prayer – a list of 775 members of the brotherhood. This material may be useful to researchers investigating the history of the region, in such areas as religious and cultural life, anthroponymy, toponymy and genealogy.


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How to Cite

Gmurczyk, Z. (2014). Book of the Brotherhood of Sobriety from Uniejów parish, second half of XIX century. Biuletyn Uniejowski, 3, 135–150.


