Uniejów development in the integrated plans and strategies. The example of Central Macroregion Strategy and Integrated Development Strategy of the Warsaw–Lodz Functional Area by 2030
integrated development strategies, regional policy, functional area, Uniejów developmentAbstract
A new approach to the process of development planning, described as integrated or territorial functional planning, aims to better take into account the different conditions of development and optimal use of endogenous resources called territorial capital. Functional areas, which delimitation determinant are connections and network relations, are gaining in importance. In this context, the key role is played by the instruments of development policy aimed at building the institutional partnership and integration of multi-faceted activities of public entities. Instruments of supralocal nature focused on a complex approach to development planning beyond administrative borders are integrated development strategies, which are the subjects of this article. The article presents the role and place of Uniejów in the long-term integrated development strategies. The analysis includes both diagnosis capabilities and the identification of development trends indicated in the strategic documents i.e. The Concept of the Development Strategy of Central Poland Macroregion and Integrated Development Strategy of the Warsaw–Lodz Functional Area by 2030.
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