The parish church of Saint Apostles Peter and Paul in Grodzisk in the Uniejów deanery
Grodzisko, church, parishAbstract
Saint Apostles Peter and Paul’s Church in Grodzisk is an interesting example of a church founded by a nobleman. It was erected at the beginning of the 17th century by the castellan of Sieradz, Jan Rudnicki, who had five daughters and no male heir. He decided to build a temple when he reached an old age and knew that he would not have any more children. Originally, the church had a much more modest form than today. Its present appearance is the result of several reconstructions carried out in the 19th century. Initially it only had a rectangular nave, a semicircular closed chancel and a sacristy. It is an example of a successful combination of architectural forms rooted in the Middle Ages, still very popular in the Uniejów deanery, with Renaissance elements inside. The church is a testimony to the position and wealth of its founder and his concern to commemorate the family and ensure that it will be remembered long after the death of the last Rudnicki.
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