Human mitochondrial DNA diversity is compatible with the multiregional continuity theory of the origin of Homo sapiens


  • Robert B. Eckhardt Laboratory for the Comparative Study of Morphology, Mechanics and Molecules, Department of Kinesiology and Huck Institute of the Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University



mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA coalescence time, pongid-hominid divergence, multiregional evolution, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens


Confidence intervals for estimates of human mtDNA sequence diversity, chimpanzee-human mtDNA sequence divergence, and the time of splitting of the pongid-hominid lineages are presented. Consistent with all the data used in estimating the coalescence time for human mitochondrial lineages to a common ancestral mitochondrion is a range of dates from less than 79,000 years ago to more than 1,139,000 years ago. Consequently, the hypothesis that a migration of modern humans (Homo sapiens) out of Africa in the range of 140,000 to 280,000 years ago resulted in the complete replacement, without genetic interchange, of earlier Eurasian hominid populations (Homo erectus) is but one of several possible interpretations of the mtDNA data. The data are also compatible with the hypothesis, suggested earlier and supported by fossil evidence, of a single, more ancient expansion of the range of Homo erectus from Africa, followed by a gradual transition to Homo sapiens in Europe, Asia, and Africa.


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How to Cite

Eckhardt, R. B. (2021). Human mitochondrial DNA diversity is compatible with the multiregional continuity theory of the origin of Homo sapiens. Anthropological Review, 84(4), 487–502.




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