Work on Your Own Account and Collective Labour Law Protection
self-employed persons, right of coalition, trade union, collective agreement, collective disputeAbstract
As a result of the amendment to the Act on Trade Unions, which entered into force on January 1, 2019, self-employed persons meeting the criteria indicated in Art. 11 of Trade Union Act were granted the right to associate in trade unions and, consequently, other rights in the field of collective labor law. This is a new legal situation, because under the previous legal status, these persons were deprived of rights in the field of collective labor law. The aim of this article is therefore to analyze the scope of protection of the rights and interests of self-employed workers on three levels: 1) the right to associate in trade unions, 2) their coverage by collective agreements, 3) collective disputes. An attempt will also be made to assess to what extent the model of collective protection of their interests offered to these people is adequate to their needs and the specificity of their work.
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