Short story of taxation of wealthy persons – where the ability to pay principle came from


  • Adam Mariański Doktor habilitowany nauk prawnych, profesor nadzwyczajny w Katedrze Prawa Podatkowego UŁ, przewodniczący Krajowej Rady Doradców Podatkowych, partner zarządzający w Mariański Group



income taxation, progressive tax, ability-to-pay rule


This article analyzes the relatively short history of income taxation. The source of this type of tax is particularly interesting. Progressive taxation is strongly connected with compensation rules that were implemented during and after a number of wars. In the post-World War II period, income taxation was connected with redistribution rules. Currently, the ability-to-pay rule is a fundamental rule for this form of taxation. As a consequence, income tax is now very much a political tax.


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How to Cite

Mariański, A. (2018). Short story of taxation of wealthy persons – where the ability to pay principle came from. Tax Law Quarterly, (3), 9–26.




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