Shakespeare across the Taiwan Strait: A Developmental Perspective


  • Yu Sun Assistant researcher in the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China
  • Longhai Zhang Professor in Min Nan Normal University, Zhangzhou and the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China


Słowa kluczowe:

Shakespeare Studies, China, Mainland, Taiwan, Shake-xiqu


Shakespeare studies in Mainland China and Taiwan evolved from the same origin during the two centuries after Shakespeare being introduced into China in the early nineteenth century. Although Shakespeare was first seen on the Taiwan stage in the Japanese language during the colonial period, it was after Kuomintang moved to Taiwan in 1949 that Shakespeare studies began to flourish when scholars and theatrical experts from mainland China, such as Liang Shih-Chiu, Yu Er-Chang, Wang Sheng-shan and others brought Chinese Shakespeare to Taiwan. Since the 1980s, mainland Shakespeareans began to communicate actively with their colleagues in Taiwan. With the continuous efforts of Cao Yu, Fang Ping, Meng Xianqiang, Gu Zhengkun, Yang Lingui and many other scholars in mainland China and Chu Li-Min, Yen Yuan-shu, Perng Ching-Hsi and other scholars in Taiwan, communications and conversations on Shakespeare studies across the Taiwan Strait were gradually enhanced in recent years. Meanwhile, innovations in Chinese adaptations of Shakespeare have resulted in a new performing medium, Shake-xiqu, through which theatrical practitioners on both sides explore possibilities of a union of Shakespeare and traditional Chinese theatre. This paper studies some intricate relationship in the history of Shakespeare studies in mainland China and Taiwan from a developmental perspective and suggests opportunities for positive and effective co-operations and interactions in the future.


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Biogramy autorów

Yu Sun - Assistant researcher in the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China

Yu Sun is assistant researcher of English and Comparative Literature in the College of Foreign Languages, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. She studied English language and literature at Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China (BA, 2004; MA, 2009) and earned her PhD from Jilin University, Changchun, China (2017). She was Visiting PhD student at Copenhagen University in Copenhagen, Denmark (2015-2016) and Visiting Scholar at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan (2018-2019). Yu Sun has published over 10 Chinese and English articles in Social Scientific Front, Studies and Exploration, Theatrical Art, Literary Studies, etc. Her book is entitled English Translations of Mo Yan’s Works by Howard Goldblatt in the Perspective of Cultural Translation (Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press, 2019), based on her dissertation. Her research areas are English literature, comparative literature, and Shakespeare studies.

Longhai Zhang - Professor in Min Nan Normal University, Zhangzhou and the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China

Longhai Zhang, PhD, studied English language and literature at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China (BA, 1990; MA, 1995; PhD, 1999). He is Professor of English Language and Literature in the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University and Vice-president of Min Nan Normal University, Zhangzhou, Fu Jian Province, China. He was New Century Excellent Talent, Ministry of Education, PRC (2006), Postdoc at Yale University (2003), Consul in China Consulate General in Mumbai (2007-2009), Doctoral supervisor in short-term exchange program abroad, University of California, Los Angeles (2013). He published over 40 Chinese and English papers in Foreign Literature, Contemporary Foreign Literature, Foreign Literature Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture, Journal of Xia Men University, Southeast Academics, etc. His books are Literary Views of Harold Bloom (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2012); Perspective on Chinese American Literature (Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2012); Attribute and History: Interpretation of Chinese American Literature (Xiamen University Press, 2004). His translations include: Dominick Dunne, Another City, Not My Own (Shanghai: Yilin Press, 2000); Jade Snow Wong, Fifth Chinese Daughter (Shanghai: Yilin Press, 2003). Research areas: American Literature, Chinese American Literature, Harold Bloom Studies, Indian Politics and Economics, Indian English literature. 


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Jak cytować

Sun, Y., & Zhang, L. (2019). Shakespeare across the Taiwan Strait: A Developmental Perspective. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 20(35), 115–131.

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