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Theatre Reviews




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Biogram autora

Takehito Mitsui - Tokai University, Japan

Takehito Mitsui is Adjunct Lecturer at Language Education Centre, Tokai University. He began his academic career after briefly working as an assistant producer for an international theatre company. While teaching English at several universities, he regularly publishes theatre reviews in English and Japanese. He is currently a secretary of the International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT/IATC) Japan Centre.


Bradshaw, Graham and Tetsuo Kishi. Shakespeare in Japan. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2005.
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Dazai, Osamu. New Hamlet (ebook). Trans. Owen Clooney. Pennsauken, New Jersey: BookBaby, 2016.
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Dazai, Osamu. Shin Hamuretto [New Hamlet]. Tokyo: Bungeishunju-sha. 1941. Tokyo: Shincho-sha, 2003.
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Hayakawa, Aya. The Direction Notes [Enshutsu-noto]. Distributed at the performance of New Hamlet in Toga-Sanboh theatre on 11 September 2022.
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Kawachi, Yoshiko. “Hamlet and Japanese Men of Letters.” Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance 14 (29) (2016): 123-35.
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Okuno, Takeo. Afterword. Shin Hamuretto [New Hamlet]. By Osamu Dazai. Tokyo: Shincho-sha, 2003.
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Suzuki, Tadashi. Culture Is the Body. Trans. Kameron H. Steele. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2015.
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Jak cytować

Mitsui, T., & Georgopoulou, X. (2022). Theatre Reviews. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 26(41), 193–202.

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