Forms of Address: a Few Remarks on Emotional Exchanges in Comics




forms of address, comics, expression of emotions, pragmatics, semantics


Fillette, chérie, coquine, doudou... the forms of address constitute an important discursive operator of emotional exchanges. Such forms encompass both the expression of tenderness or, quite simply, the mark of affectivity and social and ritual behaviours, giving individuals the possibility of sharing the same experiences. The aim of our study will be primarily to examine the semantic content of the forms of address mobilised in the comic strip story, with an emphasis on those which appeal to non-standard registers of language. First, this approach will allow us to give some paths for reflection on the thematic arrangement around which the terms in question are coined. Next, we will seek to identify and describe the enunciative and pragmatic features of a discourse based on the affective component. More specifically, we will try to analyse the functional values and the expressive dimension of the forms of address favoured by contemporary comics.


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Author Biography

Anna Bobińska, Université de Łódź

Anna Bobińska – enseignante au Département de Linguistique Romane à l’Institut d’Études Romanes de l’Université de Łódź, Anna Bobińska est doctorante et est en train de préparer sa thèse sur L’Interjection : formes et sens. Analyse comparative du français et l’espagnol. Elle centre sa recherche actuelle sur la sociolinguistique, la pragmatique conversationnelle, l’analyse du discours et la néologie.


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How to Cite

Bobińska, A. (2021). Forms of Address: a Few Remarks on Emotional Exchanges in Comics. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (16), 13–22.

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