Erasing the term “propaganda” from mass awareness campaigns in the social field
critical reflection, mass awareness, manipulation, euphemism, propagandaAbstract
This article is a critical reflection on mass awareness in Québec, in the social field, advanced by some of the actors: the State and its agencies, institutions, organizations, etc. In social work, we also try to influence people and motivate them to change their attitudes, behaviors or manner of thinking concerning certain problems. According to which criteria can we say we do awareness and not propaganda? The method used by these actors is questioned by looking into certain messages in circulation. Comparing this method to the techniques of propaganda will aim to understand whether mass awareness is not simply a euphemism that makes it possible to conceal the propaganda and to make the concept itself absent, non-existent and taboo. Is this omission an attempt at erasing the term in order to make manipulation invisible?
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