Experiences of Living with Fat Bodies with Stigma in Poland. An Intersectional Analysis Based on Biographical Interviews





Fatness, Body Experience, Transgender, Biographical Interview, Stigma, Erving Goffman, Poland, Intersectionality, Disability


The article offers an analysis of living with a fat body and ways of experiencing it in everyday life in the context of stigmatization of this type of corporality. Biographical interviews with fat people of varying socio-demographic profiles were conducted. The analyses show that having a fat body/being fat is generally a stigma that discredits the individual in the eyes of the so-called normals based on both physical characteristics and character traits allegedly associated with fatness. The participants mainly medicalize and internalize the stigma of fatness and manage it specifically by passing, covering, and coming out. In transgender people, fatness may never take on the characteristics of a stigma, but instead allows the individual to obscure another stigma or conform to social expectations of appearance in line with the gender identity.


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Author Biographies

Beata Bielska, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Beata Bielska is a sociologist and an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland. Her main research interests lie in the sociology of sexuality (queer communities and activism) and the sociology of higher education and science (plagiarism and cheating, methodological and ethical problems in conducting social research studies). She published the book Potencjał zmiany. Rezultaty działania ruchu społecznego na przykładzie aktywizmu LGBT* w Polsce [Potential for Change. Social Movement Outcomes on the Example of LGBT* Activism in Poland].

Anna Wójtewicz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Anna Wójtewicz is a sociologist and an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland. Her main research interests lie in the sociology of the body, the sociology of consumption and consumer culture, and gender studies. She also deals with the methodology of qualitative research, with particular emphasis on in-depth interviews and biographical interviews. Currently, she is conducting research financed by the National Center of Science on men’s everyday practices connected with the body.

Katarzyna Mańkowska, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Katarzyna Mańkowska is a cognitive scientist and a Ph.D. candidate at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences (Academia Rerum Socialium), Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Her research interests extend to two disciplines. After graduating, she became interested in the sociology of gender and sexuality. During research for her doctoral thesis, she deals with developing a psycho-sexual identity considering the gender identity of non-binary people and their cisgender partners. At the same time, for many years, she has been and still is, involved in research on the neural basis of dyscalculia. As part of the current project, she deals with the importance of mathematical game training in shaping mental representations of numbers and the number line.


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How to Cite

Bielska, B., Wójtewicz, A., & Mańkowska, K. (2023). Experiences of Living with Fat Bodies with Stigma in Poland. An Intersectional Analysis Based on Biographical Interviews. Qualitative Sociology Review, 19(1), 22–51. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.19.1.02


