The Concept of Theology in the Writings of Plato And Aristotle




The article puts forward the following question: do we, although the late Neoplatonic antique tradition perceived both Plato and Aristotle as the theologists par excellence, have to do with a justified historical judgement or the two authors in question, while searching for a long and authoritative philosophical tradition to their reasoning, do not even hesitate to make a move towards mystification. In the process of analyzing the Plato's and Aristotle's writings it was found out that in case of Plato, we are exposed to theology in terms of 'talking about gods'. Additionally, Plato himself formulated the term 'theology'. The philosopher still remains only on the level of the 'theology of poets' or, at most, 'political theology' but not 'philosophical theology'. In case of Aristotle, however, we can refer to 'philosophical theology' in the full meaning of the term.


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How to Cite

Komorowski, M. (2013). The Concept of Theology in the Writings of Plato And Aristotle. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, (26), 3–26.


