K hranici domácího a cizího v onymii
The limit between the domestic (D) and foreign (F) on the level of proprium genesis is not identical with that being on the level of synchronous communicative aplication of names. Therefore, the level of the proprial nomination and that o f communication are to be differentiated. In proper names, categories D and F assert themselves, by means of three channels: a – repertoire of lexicals being used at proprial designation activity; b – repertoir of formal (word-forming, name-forming) means; с – native language + communicative situation. Types: 1) elements a, b, с are gentically homogenous – proprium is always D: a = b = c; 2) elements a, b are homogenous, c, however, not proprium has been take over, integrated: а = Ь=с; 3) proprial motivation does not often express the D x F opposition, it is not o f single-national character only. The differences are limited to linguistic feateres only.
The increased frequency and fashion (various prestige of с element) interfere with the limit D x F. Necestily: limit D x F is to be analyzed genetically, on a long time axis and under the knowledge of the opposition apelativum x proprium. Systematic approach, the insolated facts are not to be overemphasized. The study of D x F brings us to the problematics of proprial integration and comparation.
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