Анна Падо. Беседа. Беседа – skutecznie i atrakcyjnie. Издательство: Draco, сс. 130
https://doi.org/10.18778/1731-8025.18.07Słowa kluczowe:
Беседа, language material, communication method, language and speech assignmentsAbstrakt
This paper outlines Беседа 1–3 by Anna Pado, a series of Russian language handbooks for students who begin studying Russian as their second language at the upper secondary school (in the Polish educational system). It outlines the main attributes of the series that make it superior to other educational materials available to Polish students. The series helps develop communication skills, improve speech and text composition, teaches accuracy, offers project work, and more.
Pado, A. (2017). Nowy podręcznik – nowe rozwiązania. W: Współczesny język rosyjski w teorii i praktyce (56–65), A. Antoniuk, W. Meli-Cullen, J. Roguska, A. Szafernakier-Świrko (red.). Warszawa: Katedra Ukrainistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Google Scholar
Pado, A. (2019). Беседа 1–3. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Draco.
Google Scholar
Pado, A. (2019). Książka dla nauczycieli, https://wydawnictwodraco.pl/Beseda1_2019
Google Scholar
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