Prepositional phrases and their lexicographical description in German and German-Polish dictionaries – glottodidactic perspective
temporal prepositional phrases, collocations, equivalence, contextual partner, survey, academic didacticAbstract
The subject of the analysis are temporal prepositional phrases, i.e. typical, usually binary lexical sets which have the status of collocations and consist of a preposition and a noun, e.g. auf Dauer, auf die Dauer, bei längerer Dauer. The established connectivity of such collocations, which are conditioned grammatically and functionally, is one of the biggest linguistic problems in teaching German as a non-native language. In the article, we analyze the presence of selected prepositional syntagmas in general and bilingual dictionaries and in the National Corpus of the Czech Language, alongside the results of a survey study. Moreover, we propose an exemplary dictionary entry for prepositional phrases for a forthcoming German-Polish dictionary of collocations and we discuss the issue of equivalence of the analyzed phrases.
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