Collocations of dimension adjectives with the names of human body parts in Polish and Korean


  • Emilia Szalkowska-Kim Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, College of Central and East European Studies, Department of Polish Studies, 81, Oedae-ro, Mohyeon-eup, Cheoin-gu, Yonginsi, Gyeonggi-do, 17-035 Republic of Korea



comparative semantics, adjectives of dimensions, names of body parts, collocations, conceptualisation of body parts and their dimensions, Polish language, Korean language, teaching a foreign language


This article presents the results of comparative research into the collocations of the names of human body parts with dimension adjectives. The aim of the analysis was to indicate the similarities, limitations and differences in the manners of conceptualising the world established in Polish and Korean, or more precisely: how both languages define the elements of the world of human body parts, and how they assign dimensions to the elements depending on the needs and experiences of native users of both. The results of the research could have a practical application in teaching both languages, facilitating students’ absorption of the lexis of the other language, and result in a deeper mutual understanding of linguistic and cultural differences..


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How to Cite

Szalkowska-Kim, E. (2019). Collocations of dimension adjectives with the names of human body parts in Polish and Korean. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 26, 329–358.