Stefan Szuman – intellectual and artist, a man with a sense of humor (until 1939)
universities in the Second Polish Republic, Polish educators in the twentieth century, Polish psychologists in the twentieth centuryAbstract
The article is a description of the private life and scientific developments of the Jagiellonian University professor Stefan Szuman. Because of the extensive biography and great publishing activity, his fate and achievements were analysed up to 1939. The text presents the most important facts from the professor’s childhood and youth, his scientific and professional activity before taking up the Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Jagiellonian University, his academic, teaching, publishing and extra-professional activities, as well as the most important events in his family life. For a more complete picture of Stefan Szuman, in the last part of the article, attempts were his history during and after the Second World War.
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- 2023-06-06 (2)
- 2023-04-28 (1)
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