An integrated assessment of river valley hydrochemical conditions in a suburban area on the example of Struga Dobieszkowska (Młynówka) (The Stryków commune)
Hyporheic zone (HZ), springs, river, water contaminationAbstract
The work presents the results of waters research in Struga Dobieszkowska (Młynówka) river valley with a lot of natural groundwater outflows, which is located in the area of the Łódź Hills. The research work covered, apart from spring waters, the waters of the stream and its hyporheic zone. They were carried out in one day, thanks to which an integrated view of the current hydrochemical stage was obtained in the area, where anthropogenic pressure has been ongoing for several decades related to the progressive urbanization of villages in suburban area of the Łódź city. The research date was preceded by a long rainless period, hence it was assumed that the investigated environments would represent only underground water supply. The mixing of river and groundwater (represented by springs) under the streambed of the Struga Dobieszkowska was assessed in order to hydrochemically verify the existence of a hyporheic zone there, as this was indicated by the results of vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) measurements. A general deterioration of the hydrochemical condition of water was demonstrated as a result of the inflow of pollutants, including through the hyporheic zone. Comparison of the three tested aquatic environments lead to identify which of chemical compounds that significantly differentiate them.
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