Comparability of Statements of Changes in Equity on the Example of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
statement of changes in equity, comparability, structure and content, IFRS, PolandAbstract
The aim of the paper is to assess the comparability of the structure and content of statements of changes in equity of listed companies and to propose some solutions to increase this comparability. Two research methods were used: literature research and analysis of the content of financial statements. Forty‑two consolidated financial statements for 2016 prepared by selected companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from the WIG30 and sWIG80 indices were analyzed. All companies presented their statements of changes in equity in the form of a matrix. Most companies first presented information about their comprehensive income and then information about transactions with their owners. This solution has a positive influence on the transparency of the statement and comparability between companies. Almost all companies presented information about dividends in a separate item in the statement of changes in equity. However, there are significant differences in the scope and details of components of equity presented in the statement of changes in equity. IAS 1 should describe in greater detail which components of equity should be presented in the statement. Such detailed regulations would have a significant positive impact on the comparability of statements of changes in equity between companies. No major differences were observed in the structure and content of the compared statements of changes in equity between companies included in WIG30 and sWIG80 indices. Findings of this research can be useful for the current IASB work on changes in the structure and content of primary financial statements to enhance their comparability. Moreover, in Poland, hardly any research has been conducted to date on the structure and content of statements of changes in equity prepared by listed companies under the IFRS.
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