Management of Equity and Profitability of the Joint-Stock Companies Listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange


  • Artur Sajnóg University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of Business Analysis and Strategy



profitability, equity, structure of equity, resource capital, WIG30, DAX


The main subject of theoretical-empirical study presented in this paper is the estimate of the relationship between changes in the value and structure of equity and profitability of the enterprises listed on the Polish and German capital market. For the purposes of achieving the work formulates the main research hypothesis, stating that to increase the profitability of public companies is associated with significant changes in the value and structure of the equity. The discussed research problem was investigated in the form of a comparative analysis and realized in two parts. The discussion presented in the first part depicts mainly theoretical deliberations upon the role and meaning of the structures of equity in the joint-stock companies. The second part presents the results of comparative empirical research on profitability of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and included in the WIG30 index as well as the companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, which belong to the DAX index. The research period comprises years between 2005–2014. Based on the analysis of the joint-stock companies included in both indices it should be concluded that the main strategy of forming of equity is funds accumulating in the resource capital area. Moreover, the most significant and statistically significant dependence in the analysed companies was observed between the profitability and the share of resource capital in equity and total capital. The identification and assessment of the size and structure of the equity enables fuller identification and using of capacities growth of efficiency of the company thereby increasing its market value.


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How to Cite

Sajnóg, A. (2017). Management of Equity and Profitability of the Joint-Stock Companies Listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(324), [89]-108.



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